Community Service
Our Commitment to the Community
Axis Endodontics understands the importance of building a relation ship with our community.
We commit to taking $5 from every root canal performed, and giving back to our community. EVERY MONTH a raffle will be drawn, and a referring dentist will be selected and be choose which charity/service/organization we will give back to.
April 2020
For the month of April we donated $5 from EVERY ROOT CANAL we performed to the MERCY HOME FOR BOYS and GIRLS.
Read More March 2020
For the month of March, the referring doctor has yet to chose which charity will receive the donation of 5$ from every root canal. Due to the COVID crisis, we have been limited in the amount of procedures we can perform, however we also know there are so many out there suffering. So we have…
Read More February 2020
In the month of February, Axis Endodontics took $5.00 from every root canal completed and donated to Misericordia, if you would like to donate or participate please click the link to Donate alongside Dr. Singh and Axis Endodontics.
Read More January 2020
In January 2020, Dr. Singh took $5.00 from every root canal he performed and went and bought socks, shirts, pants, and other clothes for the homeless in Chicago. He then went and purchased Portillo’s sandwiches to help support the local business, and walked around Chicago passing out clothes and food to the homeless.
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